One year of online teaching

One year of online teaching

 I've seen lots of fantastic posts recently from teachers about the last year of teaching online and all the challenges it has thrown up. Freeed have dedicated March to being the anniversary of remote learning with lots of insightful articles and lesson ideas about teaching during the last year.  So, as I settle down to [...]

Emotional Literacy in the ELT classroom

Emotional Literacy in the ELT classroom

It goes without saying that self-care and well-being have never been so important as in the last year. I marvel at the resilience of the teachers around me and above all the children who are coping so well with the seemingly endless challenges that are being thrown at them. But what is the real effect [...]

10 ways to use the chatbox to increase language production

10 ways to use the chatbox to increase language production

Now that the dust has settled,  online teaching is fast becoming the new 'normal' for many of us and the knee-jerk emergency teaching measures are slowly being replaced by a renewed drive for ways of delivering quality lessons.  One observation from the last two months of teaching online is that at times the digital platform [...]

Staying connected

Staying connected

Being a teacher means you have to expect the unexpected but I don't think any of us could have imagined what 2020 would entail. Coronavirus has pulled the rug from all of our feet; the devastating loss of lives, the fear and uncertainty, the financial repercussions, it's changed our lives forever. Living in Italy, the [...]